Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Frequent Commenter Award

Gabriel Reads has just won its second award...from the same blogger. Nonners at Ridiculous Reviews has given me the Frequent Commenter Award.

As a recipient of this award, I have to pass it on to at least two other people and then recommend four books and four book blogs.

My two recipients are Karen from Book World in My Head and pwb of Curiosity Killed the Bookworm.

My four book recommendations are:
1) Silent in the Grave by Deanna Raybourn (Dear gods, I hate the new cover!)
2) A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
3) Imajica by Clive Barker
4) The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles by Julie Edwards (aka the Julie Andrews)

My four book blog recommendations are:
1) Fluidity of Time
2) A Muggle's Magical Book Blog
3) Reading Lark
4) Ridiculous Reviews

Thanks for the award, Nonners! I promise you I'll get around to making yours...once I'm done with my backlog of reviews.



  1. I'm so proud of it. It looks so cute X}

    Yay Karen and pbw!!!! Woot!

    I can't wait to see what you come up with. You should try Avairy.com. That's where I made mine.

  2. It is a really nice award. I've never heard of Aviary, but I'll have to check it out. It might make making my monthly theme images a lot easier.

    And your award, of course. :)

  3. Thank you.

    I loved Imajica too. Oh and I have loved you reviews of Skulduggery pleasant. You really got the essence of the books across. If that doesn't get the series new fans I don't know what will.

  4. Yey thanks Gabe! I'm at work at the mo so I'll post something later :)

  5. No problem, you guys. :)

    Karen: Thanks for saying that. It means a lot ot me. I don't usually get so wrapped up in a book series (Harry Potter and Discworld being the only other exceptions) but Landy's books are just so good. I feel like I should volunteer to start a street team here in the States for him, get him a publisher for the other books.

    Imajica is one of my all-time favorites but I still don't own it and I really should. It's on my To-Buy list.

  6. Thank you for the mention! Off now to check out Ridiculous Reviews.... :)
