Friday, May 6, 2011

30 Day Book Challenge: Day Nineteen (prescheduled)

So Many Books, So Little Time is hosting the 30 Day Book Challenge. Each day for 30 days I'll be answering one question about books.

Day Nineteen: The most romantic book you have ever read

I don't do romance novels. I don't even particularly like romance that makes its way into regular novels. Most of the time I feel like it's forced and is just there to satisfy a certain demographic. I do, however, appreciate romance that's well done and the best example that I can think of is this:

I love Jane Austen in ways I can't even adequately describe. I'm not sure what it is about her, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with her beautiful prose, her deep characters, and her ability to take me so completely out of myself that I forget that I'm living in the twenty-first century. Pride and Prejudice is by far my favorite Austen novel (although I can't say there's an Austen novel that I don't like) and the romance between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy is so perfect that I've read this book at least three times.

I don't know how many guys out there will admit to being Austen fans but I have no qualms telling you all that this is one of my all-time favorite novels.



  1. Me too. And I'm pretty sure that if I ever marry his name will be Mr. Darcy :]

  2. I don't have a romantic bone in my body but I do love this book.

  3. A lot of people who have told me that they like it have been surprising to me, people who aren't in anyway sentimental. It's just that kind of book, I guess. :)
