Sunday, May 1, 2011

Road Trip!

As some of you know, I'll be going on a road trip this week. It's only going to be for a few days but I decided that this would be a good opportunity for me to take the week off from blogging, catch up on some reading and other real world stuff, and, I don't know, sleep.

You may have noticed that this last week a lot of my posts were a little bit...lackluster. That's because I have a huge surprise planned for next week and I've been working diligently on getting the posts for Monday-Sunday just right. I can't tell you what it is, so you'll just have to wait until Monday morning at 10 am to find out, but I'm hoping that you'll like it.

I won't be as prompt at responding to comments as I have been, but I will get around to answering them when I get back into town so feel free to leave me comments and responses to my posts. I can't promise that I'll be checking your blogs next week either, so don't feel slighted. You know I love all of your blogs and I'll be back to reading them as soon as possible.

I also will not be participating in the following events this coming week:
*It's Monday! What Are You Reading?
*Top Ten Tuesday
*Three Books Thursday
*Literary Blog Hop
*Book Blogger Hop

I know that in doing so I'm giving up a chance to grab new followers next week but I've been blogging every day for almost two months straight now and I think I'm allowed a short break. Starting on Monday, May 9th, everything will be back to normal. For now, enjoy the surprise I've left for you and maybe tell your friends how awesome I am so that I can still nab some followers despite being on vacation. :)

Hopefully I'll get caught up on my reading too so you'll have tons of reviews to read in the coming weeks.



  1. A suprise? Can you even do that on blogger?? :] jk. I can't wait.

  2. The "scheduled at" button is my friend this week. :) EVERYTHING is prescheduled.

  3. You just have a Good time, even if you don't pick up one novel to read, we dedicated bloggers do deserve a 'vacation' period also. Have a wonderful time and i will send prayers for traveling mercies and good weather. Take Care!!

  4. Thanks! I'm definitely going to read but I'm going to try to resist the call of blogging. :)
